
2025年音樂演奏文憑面授考試安排 Arrangements for Music Performance Diploma face to face exams in 2025

有意報考音樂演奏文憑面授考試的考生請注意,由2025年開始,倫敦聖三一學院音樂演奏文憑香港區及澳門區面授考試將恢復如以往一年兩次的考試期。2025年考試期分別為5月份及10至11月份兩個考試期。倫敦聖三一學院會派出來自世界各地的音樂考官來到香港,為考生進行評審及交流。有關以上兩次考試期的報名期及考試費用現已在官方網頁公布。其他活動詳情亦會於本中心官方網頁上公布,敬請期待。另外,音樂等級考試及Rock & Pop流行音樂考試暫時只提供錄影考試選項。如有進一步消息,本中心會於官方網頁上另作公布。

For candidates who are interested in our Music Performance Diploma face to face exams, please note that starting from 2025, Trinity College London Music Performance Diploma face to face examinations for Hong Kong and Macau will resume to the usual twice-a-year exam schedule. The exam periods for 2025 will be in May and from October to November. Trinity College London will send music examiners from around the world to Hong Kong to assess and interact with candidates. The enrolment periods and exam fees for these two exam sessions are now on our official website. Further details about other activities will also be published on our music center’s official website, so please stay tuned. Additionally, the music grade examinations and Rock & Pop examinations will temporarily only offer digital examination option. If there are any further updates, we will announce them on our official website.

Trinity (Hong Kong) Music Centre
