





  1. 曲目清單代替樂曲文字介紹 加重演奏部分評分

聖三一新演奏文憑考試於結構及評分比例上作新調整:考生呈交的「文字節目單」(written programme)內不再需要包含詳盡的「樂曲文字簡介」(programme notes),但基本內容如考試資料、考生名稱、曲目、整個節目及每首樂曲需時等將需要保留,內容大為簡化;評分準則當中,原有的「表達能力」(presentation skills) 部分,現改為「節目規劃」(programme & planning),佔總分4分,而「演奏部份」(recital) 則增加至佔96分。


  1. 新增至1,200首考試曲目



  1. 全新網上自選曲目審核程序(Online programme approval)



  1. 加強學習支援



1.   文憑考試給考官的文件(programme list)有沒有參考文件或格式?

答: 建議以A5書籍形式呈現,內容可參閱考試大綱及


2. 2019年新考試大綱於8月開始生效,2019年4-5月考試仍須提交「樂曲文字簡介」(programme notes)嗎?

答: 2019年4-5月考期仍要遞交詳細的「樂曲文字簡介」(programme notes)。


  1. 攜同原裝樂譜的情況下,考生可使用Ipad或其他電子裝置作考試樂譜嗎?

答: 在出示原裝樂譜的情況下,如沒有攜同翻譜員,考生可使用Ipad或其他電子裝置以便翻譜,但必要確保該產品於考試期間不會發出任何聲響。



答: 在出示原裝樂譜的情況下,影印譜可以於考試時使用,但必須於試後歸還考官。


  1. 確實的演奏時間有下限嗎?

答: 確實的演奏時間已詳列於考試大綱內。演奏時間如少於要求內的2分鐘,考試將會被扣分,甚至被取消資格。


  1. 我的自選曲目清單已獲批准,我可以在新大綱生效後繼續使用該已獲批的清單嗎?

答: 可以,現在已獲批的清單可使用2年,不用再送往審批。


  1. 我在2019新大綱內找不到已練習的2009-2018年考試大綱曲目。新大綱生效後,我可以繼續於考試內使用該些曲目嗎?


答: 新大網內沒有的曲目會被視為自選曲目,考生可於 提交選曲清單,自選曲目於整個清單獲批准後可於新大綱生效後繼續使用。



Questions and Answers

  1. Is there any sample or standard format for programme notes?

Answer:  Yes, an A5 booklet, as set out in syllabus or this article

  1. Are programme notes still required in APR-MAY 2019 session?

Answer:  Detailed written programme is still required in APR-MAY 2019 session.


  1. By providing the original scores, can I use Ipad or other electronic devices for easy page turning?

Answer:  Yes, by providing the original scores, if there is absent of page turner, candidate can use tablet for easy page turning but make sure no sounds will be emitted during the exam.


  1. Can I use photocopies during the exam for easy page turning?

Answer:  Yes, by providing the original scores, photocopies are allowed but it must be returned to the examiner after the exam.


  1. For the recital timing, is there a minimum timing for the actual performance?

Answer: The actual recital timings are listed in the syllabus. Recital timings which fall less than 2 minutes of the minimum duration stipulated will result in a mark deduction, and in extreme cases, disqualification.


  1.  My programme has already been approved, but I’ll take my exam after the syllabus changeover. Will my programme still be accepted?

Answer: Yes. Existing programme approvals are valid for 2 years from the date of the approval letter. There’s no need to apply for re-approval.


  1.  I’m preparing pieces from the 2009 syllabus which do not appear in the 2019 syllabus. Will I be able to play these after the syllabus changeover?

Answer: Any pieces that do not appear in the new syllabus can still be submitted as own-choice repertoire through our programme approvals process, where they will be considered in the context of the whole programme.